Spiritually, summer solstice in the northern hemisphere (which we do inhabit in Panama, though barely) has been a celebration of the abundance of life, a time for gratitude and enjoyment of life on Earth.
This year's summer solstice, however, has a more powerful significance.
Last year's summer solstice marked the beginning of a period of intense increase in the frequency of the energy reaching the Earth, which has affected us by preparing us to leave behind what no longer works for us personally or for humanity as a whole, and attuning us to higher-vibrational ways of thinking, feeling and doing.
In Panama, a new community of spiritually attuned people, both Panamanians and expats, has come together since last year's summer solstice. For me personally, this year has been one of dramatic spiritual experiences, growth and changes. I've moved from being able to get spiritual information and direction through meditation, to being able to access it pretty much anytime, anywhere. I've experienced for myself esoteric realities I would have had trouble even believing possible a year ago. And so in some ways I'm further removed from the norm, yet I'm also better positioned to help other people cross this bridge to a new reality in which the inner and outer worlds are more easily navigated as one.
You may have noticed that your own spiritual life has become more important to you, more fulfilling or more intense, in the past year. Or perhaps that your material and emotional life has become more unsettled or feels less certain than it did. This also is true of the world, and can be seen in the falling apart of the world economy, the election of more enlightened leaders, and probably other effects that I'm not aware of.
This year's summer solstice is said to be a kind of doorway into a time of much more rapid development still, with more intense energies shifting stuff around not only for us, but for the world as a whole.
If you read reports by spiritually aware astrologists, you will find that the planets have been lining up since the spring equinox in April to intensify the energies that support spiritual enlightenment, letting go of dysfunctional patterns of thought, feeling and action, and embracing new realizations of oneness, that the highest good for all is also the highest good for the individual, and a new ability to connect to vibrations of love, light, peace, harmony and truth.
As we approach the solstice, I feel called to contemplate what is the special role of the equatorial part of the Earth in this play of energies and consciousness. In Panama, we experience very little change in our daily dose of daylight throughout the year.
Perhaps this is why I have felt ever since I came here that the energy is especially intense here, and in fact have been told so by my guides-in-spirit. This means we have the potential to be Light-holders for the rest of the planet, where the greater portions of the population live. We have the potential to lead the way through this shift in energies, to attune ourselves to love and maintain that attunement as beacons for the world.
At the same time, it means that if you live elsewhere, you might try turning your attention to the equatorial regions when you meditate and just ask to receive anything that could benefit you from the energies here. And let me know, if you try this, what you experience! If you ask for assistance from your guides or Self, you will receive only what is beneficial for you individually, so it's perfectly safe.
In Panama City, we are going to hold a special solstice meditation to open ourselves to the higher frequencies of energy that correspond to higher spiritual consciousness. We will invite our guides, teachers, ascended masters, angels, higher Selves -- whomever each of us feels close to on the spiritual plane -- to assist us in receiving, accepting and carrying out our role in the play of human life at this time on the planet
This is a special opportunity for all of us, if we are aware of it, to do the same. By being aware of what's going on, and according ourselves with it for the highest good of not only ourselves but humanity, we stand to be richly blessed and get through the major changes to come as comfortably, serenely and joyfully as possible.
Love, Light and Joy,
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