The energies of Holy Week or Semana Santa, the week leading up to Easter, are always hard on the human body and psyche. As you become more attuned to your energy field, you also become more aware of the challenges caused by millions of people feeling sadness, grief, anger and guilt as they focus together and repeatedly on the suffering of Jesus’ death.
Even if you’re not aware of your energy body, you are affected by humanity’s mass consciousness and its affect on the energy field we share. Just as you are affected by the energies of the planets, even if you don’t believe you could be. And just as your spiritual nature doesn’t depend on your spiritual beliefs.
If you do know what’s happening, it’s often a little easier to deal with the effects. (If you want to become more aware of your energy field or body, and learn how to access it, come to my retreat May 1-3 and learn how.)
This year was more difficult than usual. One friend said she just couldn’t stay awake on Good Friday. Another described her body as feeling like it was covered in heavy clay.
Recently, I read that we’ve been in a period of “solar minimum,” meaning that there have been very few sun spots since the first of the year. Sun spots cause solar winds, which disrupt the high-frequency energy of the sun before it can hit the Earth. Thus, we’ve been bombarded by much more high-frequency energy than normal, which our bodies aren’t yet used to. Our physical response is to feel tired and sluggish, though high-vibrational energy is what we’re transitioning into at this point in our evolution.
On top of that, the mass consciousness of humanity has done its annual ritual of focusing intensely for a week on the suffering of Jesus. Good Friday, the inappropriately named commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus, is a national holiday in Panama. It seems to me that it’s observed much more rigorously than Easter Sunday, in fact. The energy of grief, sadness, guilt, anger and anguish permeated the atmosphere of the city. I could barely move.
Saturday was even worse. I felt as though I were the one waiting to be resurrected. I could hardly get off the sofa all day. I was drawn twice into meditation and then sleep, or some state in between, in which I would see dream-like images that had to do with ascension.
Once I saw myself opening a wide gate across a road, allowing violet light to pour through.
Another time, I saw two lines of people and a voice told me that one was those who have, and the other those who don’t. This reminded me of the Bible passage in which Jesus’ disciples asked why he taught in parables, and he said it was so that only those who were ready and willing to learn spiritual truth would receive it. “For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.” (Matthew 13:12, NRSV)
This is not God’s judgment upon us, it’s just a description of how consciousness works. Consciousness leads to more consciousness; it expands itself, but we have to be open to it. Consciousness is available to all, but it’s never forced upon us. We have free will to reject it if we choose. But when we ask for even a little awareness and open to receive it, we can grow endlessly.
The energy of higher consciousness is what we call love. It’s a particular vibrational frequency that, when it enters our energy field through our heart chakra, creates the experience of love, as well as peace, warmth, security and kindness.
The energy of love clears our energy field by attuning us to its own frequency, allowing still more love to pour in. Love is the highest-vibrating energy in human experience, and therefore lifts human consciousness or awareness until the person can see, feel, hear, sense in every way through the energy body the spiritual world that is invisible to our physical senses.
That energy is what Jesus not only taught about, but more importantly, embodied for the rest of humanity. Two thousand years ago, most human beings couldn’t understand this energy, but they could receive and experience it. By fully embodying the frequency of Light or the Christ energy, Jesus became a kind of tuning fork for the rest of humanity. This was the esoteric or inner or mystical nature of his service to humanity. The mechanism by which he freed people from their pasts, and their mistakes or sins.
And because life energy knows no time or space, Jesus still serves as a spiritual tuning fork for much of humanity today.
I saw this at the Easter sunrise service I attended yesterday. I hadn’t been to a Christian service in quite awhile, but Easter is the time of greatest joy and consciousness in Christianity. And Jesus is a beautiful divine Being, one I love very much, so I followed my impulse to go celebrate the resurrection – the reality of eternal life that shows death to be just an earthly illusion.
The service was held in the back yard of a small, historic Afro-Antillean church that is now a museum here in Panama. It was bilingual, multicultural, and full of evangelical enthusiasm.
It didn’t matter how literally many in the congregation interpreted the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Nor how completely they identified Jesus AS the Christ, the one-and-only embodiment of the energy connecting us to God the Creator or Source.
Just by focusing their attention and love on Jesus, they were automatically attuned to the frequency of Christ consciousness – the frequency of our divine source, the highest of all.
When they focused not on the suffering but on the love pouring through Jesus for humanity, which is the Christ itself, they also became clear vehicles for that love or Christ energy to reach the Earth.
As we approach, and in fact begin, a period of rapid advancement in human consciousness that is predicted to separate those-who-have from those-who-have-not, it’s important to understand what it means to have. I’ve questioned my spirit guides and Source quite a bit about how this transition will happen, and who is sufficiently conscious to move ahead into greater consciousness still.
Consciousness is not a matter of knowledge. It doesn’t depend on education. It isn’t limited by intellect, or what one has read or understands to be true. If it did, the Shift to higher consciousness would tend to happen mostly in the First World, and the New Earth would be a pretty boring place.
Nor does consciousness require certain spiritual practices. Meditation isn’t necessary, though it can help accelerate growth, and some form of communication with spirit, through prayer or meditation or both, is usually practiced by those who are conscious. Likewise, it doesn’t matter what intellectual beliefs accompany the conscious heart.
The ability to channel love is enough. To live in love, communicate love, send it to others through both thoughts and feelings, through intentions and prayers, is enough to make one conscious. Being conscious simply means being aware that love is the highest good for everyone, and that as we send love to others, we are creating a better world for us all to live in.
Attuning to love, whether through the energy of Jesus or any other means, opens the gate for the violet light of consciousness, the highest frequency available to the human energy spectrum. Whoever has love will receive even more, automatically, by their own willingness to love. That’s all it takes to enter the kingdom of heaven, which is the new Earth awaiting us all.
Light, Love, Joy,
... Keep reading!
Monday, April 13, 2009
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