Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shift? What Shift? 2012 and Beyond

Much is being written about predictions of the end of the world on December 21, 2012. That's when the Mayan calendar ends, and so it's become the date most often used to mark what others refer to as "the shift."

Sounds like a bunch of flakey New Age mumbo-jumbo, doesn't it? Who is supposed to be shifting, and to what? Are we all going to just go up in flames, or get zapped by an enormous wave of electromagnetic energy sent out by a solar storm that is more than our bodies can handle?

Maybe. I'm not making any predictions, except that the shift is moving humanity from what's called the third dimension to the fourth dimension. And that's not a prediction, because we're already experiencing its effects. Those effects are predicted to peak at the end of 2012 (just as Barack Obama reaches the end of his first term in office, interestingly). At that point, we may all (if you're reading this, you're probably already on your way) just wake up in a new reality that's a whole lot easier to live in.

What's Shifting?

Everything, including human bodies and our thoughts and feelings, is made of energy. We know this now from physics. This energy vibrates. As the frequency of vibration increases, it comes closer to the very rapid vibrational rate of beings that we can’t currently see or hear, including angels, ascended masters, souls not currently in human form, and other aspects of Source. Infinite Source, the creative life-force energy itself, vibrates at infinite speed.

You can picture this vibratory motion as a series of waves, with a still point at the top and bottom of each wave, when the movement changes direction. As speed of vibration increases, the waves get closer together. At infinite speed, the still points overlap. So you have infinite speed and stillness as One. The alpha and omega, in other words.

Higher vibration, then, is closer to the vibration of Source or God or Universal Mind -- whatever you like to call it. The faster our own energy bodies vibrate, the easier it is for us to attune to this consciousness, as well as to the consciousness of other Beings such not in human form -- ascended masters, angels and spirit guides of all kinds. At higher vibrations, we can more easily hear, see and feel their presence.

Third, Fourth, Fifth -- What's the Difference?

For a long time, the bulk of humanity has been living in the third dimension, which is dominated by physical sense perception. Every now and then, a being of higher frequency would take on a human identity to help others learn how to attune within and discover their true identity as individual expressions or centers of the divine Source energy.

Jesus is probably the best known and most accomplished, but there were others. In the past century, many souls have been coming to earth who could “pierce the veil,” so to speak, reaching higher levels of perception through meditation and other forms of trance-state or altered consciousness. You may have noticed how in recent decades, a lot more people are meditating, and a lot more are writing books and teaching about how to access the wisdom and love of your own inner Being.

Also for a long time, many religious and cultural traditions have predicted an end to the Earth as we know it. Very famously, the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. The Bible predicts the end of the world, preceded by “wars and rumors of wars,” along with other catastrophes.

Often interpreted as a fearful event, or alternatively an ascension into a new heaven (usually only for those belonging to the religion making the prediction), this “end of the world” represents a mass shift in consciousness from the third to the fourth dimension.

In the fourth dimension, the inner senses are more easily accessed and used. You could say that in the fourth dimension, the “veil” is thinned, and we can more easily cross into the spiritual realm. What used to be taught in “mystery schools” and experienced only by mystics is becoming readily available to everyone. All you need to know is how to access your own inner ability to see, hear, feel, and understand.

Some of us have been living in fourth dimensional consciousness for a long time, and some have recently moved into a fifth dimensional state. This just means that more spiritual Light energy can pass through the individual’s energy field, bringing with it more awareness. The perceived division between "Big Me" or God-Self, and "Little Me" or human self, melts away. It’s easier to stop one’s thoughts and simply be, which allows the Light to shine on all situations and bring with it knowing that doesn’t have to be expressed in words.

Of course, we can still use words to express questions and gain wisdom and insight. Words are useful for conveying knowledge and understanding. They can be fun, too -- at least for some of us! But they aren’t required at higher levels of communication, which can arrive as direct understanding, or through vision, sound or feeling.

This reality is joyful, beautiful and creative. In it, we perceive both the temporary joys of physical existence and the eternal, unchanging joy of life itself that is our real home and existence. We are Life, and only when we know it can we truly enjoy it!

So no matter where you are at this moment, you are moving into an infinitely more beautiful space. The difference will be striking and bring you great joy.

What's Going Down?

This is what the Shift is all about. As with all transitions, it involves letting go of old ways of living that are no longer useful, to make room for new possibilities. Sometimes the transition feels a little rocky. We reach the low point between two waves, a moment (cosmically speaking, which to us can feel like years!) in which we feel empty, lost, abandoned.

This is an illusion, of course, because the next wave is always coming. Emptiness is just the moment before fullness. But in that moment, it feels very real. Everything feels stagnant, and nothing seems to move.

I know many people here in Panama who are at that point now. We are all supporting each other emotionally and spiritually through this transition. Panama, as the central point of the Western Hemisphere, is a vortex that draws in energy from around the globe. Therefore, any condition here is exaggerated and intensified.

We (along with others around the world) are in the vanguard of this change, and soon (we all hope!) will be on the other side. Not physically, but energetically. Our vibrational range has shifted upwards, and but everything we need and want to survive and thrive is still somewhere in the process of manifestation. Somewhere in that time between the originating desire and the coalescing of the atoms in the physical world to create what we have asked for.

No matter where you are, you are also receiving a higher-vibrating energy that is beginning to change how people feel and function. It challenges the body, and sometimes brings on flu-like symptoms of exhaustion, lethargy, headaches or other pain.

It causes the eyes to do funny things; I get circles of white light around around the lens sometimes when I blink. This effect comes and goes. Other people are starting to see the sparkling energy of the universe. That's a fourth-dimensional phenomenon, which you may or may not have noticed before.

And of course, we've all noticed the economic structures of the world shifting, cracking, starting to sag. This symptom too will come and go, but eventually anything that doesn't resonate with a higher level of consciousness will fall away and a new order will be created.

What's Coming Up?

This means that a new economy will emerge based on cooperation, creative collaboration, and the understanding that we are not indeed separate and our resources not limited, but that we are One Being in many forms, and we can use our innate inner power to bring forth the highest good for all. Because each of us can only benefit when all benefit; any harm we cause another causes us harm as well. This economy won't support win-lose situations, only win-win-win-win-win!

That's the way it's meant to be. As above so below; as in Heaven, so on Earth.

Blessings and good shifting to you all! Please let me know how it's going for you, and if you have any questions post them and I'll see what answers I receive.

Light, Love, Joy,



  1. Interestingly, just recently a person I met on a plane (out of all the places!) showed me "white circles of light" in his photos. From that moment I started paying attention to my photographs and notice them from time to time.

    It's easy to discard them as "dust" on the camera. However, if you take one picture and you have those "dots" and you don't have them in the next picture, that's obviously something other than dust.

    I took a photo of an antique furniture, it was surrounded by those "beings" (antiques keep energy of previous owners). Very interesting.

    P.S. Susan, in the pic above you radiate beauty and light. Awesome photo!

  2. awesome article Susan. Very thorough yet simple and easy to understand. Nice writing. I am inspired to do some myself! Also I LOVE the look and feel of your pages.
